Penbrandt Prehistoric Artifacts Paleo
Slate & Bone
Contact Us

*** Updates ***

We want to extend our appreciation to all who regularly visit our Website ! 

We have just added a LARGE UPDATE of over 100 pieces throughout our Website 

Many nice pieces have been added to the Paleo and Archaic Sections Including several Superb Investment Grade Artifacts. 

You may notice that we have a new "Navigational" menu at the top of our page, fixing some Java issues with the old menu. 

Again, we appreciate our loyal visitors, so check them out and stay tuned for another update soon!

 Flint: Paleo pgs 1-2 (3-19-25), Archaic pgs 1-9 (3-19-25), Woodland pgs 1-3 (3-19-25), Mississippian pgs 1-2 (3-19-25), Slate & Bone pgs 1-2 (3-19-25)  Hardstone pgs 1-2 (3-19-25), Pottery (1-1-25), Archives Section (1-1-25),Collectibles;  Books (1-5-2019), Miscellaneous & Advertising (12-8-18)

VIP - Stock Display (7-14-2024)

Having Problems finding your favorite "Artifact Collector" the perfect gift?  Try our Gift Certificates!  Click on Certificate for details

(***click here for details on the upcoming events***)

About Penbrandt Prehistoric Artifacts & Collectibles

You will find our Pre-historic Artifacts are pieces mainly from the East Central part of the United States.  This is the region where I have collected for over 35 years and for which I have more expertise of the Lithic's and Typology. 

Our Collectibles will have offerings that cover a broad spectrum of collecting interests, from Coins & Comics to Primitives and Pottery.  On occasion,  some of our items will complement Prehistoric Artifact collecting.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our web site.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Monty & Jewdy Pennington

Co-Founder AFACA - Appalachian Foothills Artifact Collectors Association

  We will be updating our "BOOKS Section" shortly   Also look for many of our pieces that were published in the 12th & 13th Overstreet!

Check Out our GIFT CERTIFICATES for your favorite collector!

If you cannot find an item that you have seen here before, check out our   "ARCHIVES" section ....... listed under the Flint menu

Penbrandt Prehistoric Artifacts & Collectibles!

If you are visiting our site for the 1st time, let us introduce ourselves.  We are Monty & Jewdy Pennington of Richmond Kentucky, which is located at the base of the Appalachian Foothills.  

I started collecting prehistoric artifacts in 1967 while working on our family farm and others in the community.   Growing up in the antique business my collecting interest naturally spread to other areas.  So you will find a section on our web that will offer a wide range of other collectibles as well as our good, authentic, prehistoric artifacts.  Don't be afraid to make us an offer on a piece!

We are members of Arrowpack.Com & the BeAwareBoard - (PREMIER SITE FOR THE COLLECTION OF INDIAN ARTIFACTS AND THE PREVENTION OF ARTIFACT FRAUD), the AACA -Authentic Artifact Collectors Association, the GRAS - Green River Archaeological Society, CSAS-Central States Archaeological Societies, NAACA - Native American Artifact Collectors Association, & Co-founder in 2003 of the AFACA - Appalachian Foothills Artifact Collectors Association, of which I am very proud!

We offer only AUTHENTIC artifacts for sale here on our web site and on e-Bay under "penbrandt", where we have been a member since January of 1999.

Buy - Sell - Consign
Contact us for information on consigning with us!
Our goal is to provide quality items, accurately described, and visually displayed. We strive  to respond to email quickly and ship very promptly! Always feel free to email me if you have a question about an item. We try to give detailed descriptions and show quality photos of each and every item.  Ask us about our Lay-A-Way Plan!
We accept Checks, Money Orders or you can pay us securely with any major credit card through
Solution Graphics
How to Order Contact Us Our Guarantee We buy Prehistoric Indian Artifacts Penbrandt @ EBAY
Consignments Links Gift Certificates Ask us about our Lay-A-Way Plan Archive Section

Organizations and Links
Genuine Indian Relic Society Appalachian Foothills Artifact Collectors Association Green River Archaeological Society of Kentucky Central States Archaeological Societies

Site Designed & Maintained By: Monty R. Pennington of

© 2006  

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